Thursday, October 9, 2008

favorite fall activity

Block 3 Due by October 15th at 10pm.
What is your favorite fall activity? Who do you do the activity with? When do you do it? How do you feel? Describe the activity to me. Be as detailed as possible. Make sure that you have 300 words for this free write. Hint- Write the free write into a word document. Check the word count in the document then copy and paste it over.

My favorite fall activity is carving pumpkins. I like to carve pumpkins because you can get extremely creative and really messy. Being creative and getting messy is like my favorite thing to do. After carving the pumpkins and getting all of the gook out of them, you can take all of the seeds that you dug out and bake them to turn them into delicious Halloween treats. On Halloween after all the pumpkins are carved and done, my brothers, sister, and I all take our pumpkin out onto the front porch and my mom and dad will put a lit candle inside of it to make it glow. Every year my mom and dad will take our picture with our new pumpkin Halloween night, while the pumpkin is lit. My favorite part about carving pumpkins is when you get to pick your design to go on it. Picking designs for your pumpkin can be really exciting. Sometimes I like doing a scary face on my pumpkin and other times I like to put happy faces on it. My older brother always has a scary face on his pumpkin and my little brother and sister always have a scary-cute face. I like to carve pumpkins mainly with my family. I like carving pumpkins with my family because they are fun to be around and sometimes they have good designs for our pumpkins. Also when I am carving pumpkins with my family, my little brother and little sister really enjoy it and they have a lot of fun getting really messy. I usually carve pumpkins with my family around Halloween. Sometimes we carve them the 29 of October and other times we carve them the 30. When I am carving pumpkins it makes me excited. I get excited when I am carving pumpkins because I know that Halloween is coming soon and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Carving pumpkins is my favorite fall activity.


BrookeÜ said...

thanx! yours is good too!Ü if u didnt say that it was 247 words maybe she wouldnt have counted! oh well
Gary on the base line come come...come come now gary come on the base line come..... lol♥

Slawinski2008 said...

Morgan- Try to make your writing more fluid and separate it into paragraphs. Enjoy carving time with your family. +9