Monday, October 6, 2008


Sameness can be a good or bad thing. A good thing about sameness is that no one can judge each other. If everybody in the world was the same, then there would be no war, no chaos, or confusion. When I say there will be no more war, I mean if everybody was equal, then there would be nothing to fight about. We would all have the same religion, same clothing, and even the same friends, so there would be no bullying. No chaos occurs to people always getting along and doing the right thing. Also, no confusion means people always knowing what they are supposed to do and being on time to whatever you have to do. If you can be on time to everything, then there would be no confusion on how you are going to make up that time or whatever. Some things I really am not sure I like about sameness is that we all would have to wear the same things at school. Looking like everybody every day of our life can get a little CREEPY! When you go to school it would be like looking at yourself, but only its not you. Another thing I honestly do not like about sameness is having to believe in the same things. I wouldn't like having to believe in all of the same things because if you really did not believe in that thing it would make you upset and it would also make you feel kind of out of place. If I could change one thing about sameness I would change the fact that we all have to know the same things. If we knew all the same things, then life wouldn't be fun because you couldn't go to school to learn and there would really be no point.

Difference can also be good at times, or bad. A good thing about difference is knowing that we can express ourselves. Some days I am in a really crabby mood and in the morning I wouldn’t feel like getting up and doing my hair, so I would get up and just throw on a sweatshirt and put my hair up in a bun. On the other hand, I would usually get up, pick my outfit out, do my hair, and sometimes paint my nails to match my outfit. The thing that is bad about difference is bullying. Since everybody in the world is different and people have different taste that all leads to bullying and rumors. If one person doesn’t like something about a specific person, then they would usually tell another and that person would tell another and so on a so on and eventually it will get around to that person and it would hurt their feeling. If there was one thing I could change about difference I think it would have to be the fact everybody has different school days. I think if the weather is really bad in like mentor and they don’t have school I think any other school in Ohio shouldn’t have school. I think sameness and difference are both really great things.

1 comment:

Slawinski2008 said...

Morgan +9.5 Excellent. Watch capitalization on "Mentor" and also don't state "whatever" in the sameness paragraph. Be sure to be specific.