Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Blog Free Write #3 Be sure to check spelling and punctuation. Remember to start a new paragraph with each new idea. Write at least 300 words. You may want to use a word document and then copy the writing into your blog. I will show you how to do this if you need help!Due Monday November 3rd by 8am.Choose one of the following prompts:1. Write a narrative starting with the words "It was a dark and stormy night...."2. Explain in detail your favorite Halloween or trick or treating experience. Explain who you went with, your costume, and any other details that made it your favorite/best Halloween.

My favorite trick or treating experience is going to be this upcoming Friday and Saturday. Brooke and I are going to go trick or treating together. We have gone trick or treating together for three years now. This is going to be the fourth time in a row this year. In fourth grade we were hippies together, in fifth grade we were some kind of witch, in sixth grade we were gangsters, and this year we are going to be cute, little, pink, and purple fairies. I am going to be the purple fairy, which is going to be he fairy that has a pink shirt with purple wings. I am also going to have a purple wand, with a jean skirt and black leggings underneath because it is going to be cold out on Halloween night. Brooke is going to be the pink fairy with a pink shirt and pink wings. She is going to have a pink wand and a jean skirt with white leggings underneath. Our trick-or-treating rout isn't going to be long this year because it is going to be so cold. Brooke and I are planning on going to the houses on my street, and then we are going to go through Dugan Farms. After Dugan Farms, Brooke and I are going to back to my house. If we get home early, then we are going to help my mom, dad, my brother and his friends scare the other trick-or-treaters who come to my house. The best part about Halloween when it is over, is when you get into your nice, warm, cozy house and trade and eat all of your candy. I usually give all of my peanut butter candy to my mom and dad. My little brother and sister love to trade their candy with me too. I usually will give my older brother about one fourth of my candy because he doesn't go trick-or-treating anymore. Halloween is a very fun holiday.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

favorite fall activity

Block 3 Due by October 15th at 10pm.
What is your favorite fall activity? Who do you do the activity with? When do you do it? How do you feel? Describe the activity to me. Be as detailed as possible. Make sure that you have 300 words for this free write. Hint- Write the free write into a word document. Check the word count in the document then copy and paste it over.

My favorite fall activity is carving pumpkins. I like to carve pumpkins because you can get extremely creative and really messy. Being creative and getting messy is like my favorite thing to do. After carving the pumpkins and getting all of the gook out of them, you can take all of the seeds that you dug out and bake them to turn them into delicious Halloween treats. On Halloween after all the pumpkins are carved and done, my brothers, sister, and I all take our pumpkin out onto the front porch and my mom and dad will put a lit candle inside of it to make it glow. Every year my mom and dad will take our picture with our new pumpkin Halloween night, while the pumpkin is lit. My favorite part about carving pumpkins is when you get to pick your design to go on it. Picking designs for your pumpkin can be really exciting. Sometimes I like doing a scary face on my pumpkin and other times I like to put happy faces on it. My older brother always has a scary face on his pumpkin and my little brother and sister always have a scary-cute face. I like to carve pumpkins mainly with my family. I like carving pumpkins with my family because they are fun to be around and sometimes they have good designs for our pumpkins. Also when I am carving pumpkins with my family, my little brother and little sister really enjoy it and they have a lot of fun getting really messy. I usually carve pumpkins with my family around Halloween. Sometimes we carve them the 29 of October and other times we carve them the 30. When I am carving pumpkins it makes me excited. I get excited when I am carving pumpkins because I know that Halloween is coming soon and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Carving pumpkins is my favorite fall activity.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Sameness can be a good or bad thing. A good thing about sameness is that no one can judge each other. If everybody in the world was the same, then there would be no war, no chaos, or confusion. When I say there will be no more war, I mean if everybody was equal, then there would be nothing to fight about. We would all have the same religion, same clothing, and even the same friends, so there would be no bullying. No chaos occurs to people always getting along and doing the right thing. Also, no confusion means people always knowing what they are supposed to do and being on time to whatever you have to do. If you can be on time to everything, then there would be no confusion on how you are going to make up that time or whatever. Some things I really am not sure I like about sameness is that we all would have to wear the same things at school. Looking like everybody every day of our life can get a little CREEPY! When you go to school it would be like looking at yourself, but only its not you. Another thing I honestly do not like about sameness is having to believe in the same things. I wouldn't like having to believe in all of the same things because if you really did not believe in that thing it would make you upset and it would also make you feel kind of out of place. If I could change one thing about sameness I would change the fact that we all have to know the same things. If we knew all the same things, then life wouldn't be fun because you couldn't go to school to learn and there would really be no point.

Difference can also be good at times, or bad. A good thing about difference is knowing that we can express ourselves. Some days I am in a really crabby mood and in the morning I wouldn’t feel like getting up and doing my hair, so I would get up and just throw on a sweatshirt and put my hair up in a bun. On the other hand, I would usually get up, pick my outfit out, do my hair, and sometimes paint my nails to match my outfit. The thing that is bad about difference is bullying. Since everybody in the world is different and people have different taste that all leads to bullying and rumors. If one person doesn’t like something about a specific person, then they would usually tell another and that person would tell another and so on a so on and eventually it will get around to that person and it would hurt their feeling. If there was one thing I could change about difference I think it would have to be the fact everybody has different school days. I think if the weather is really bad in like mentor and they don’t have school I think any other school in Ohio shouldn’t have school. I think sameness and difference are both really great things.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What would you do with a million dollars?

What would you do with a million dollars? You have to separate it out. Ex. I would give $100,00 to Miss Slawinski to help her kids get laptops to work on their blogs. I would give 20 bucks to my little brother so he would be quiet. Make sure you account for all your money! Remember to EXPLAIN everything.

If I had 1,000,000 dollars I would first give my parents 250,000 of it. My parents would probably use the money to go on vacation and pay off most of their taxes. I would then give my older brother Ryan 100,000 of it so he could by his own car and stop having to beg my parents to use their car. Then I would give my little brother and sister 100,000 dollars each, so they can buy ice cream that they bug me to buy for them everyday. Then I would donate 50,000 to the poor because i know for a fact they would appreciate it more than anything. I would then go to a pet store and spend 100,000 of it on my little puppy. I would buy him so much treats and everything he needed. With the last of my money I would keep it and save it up for me to get into a good college.